Special Services
Documentation of some electronics projects of the year 2005: Shutter-Goggles for the
and a first, rather unsuccessful replacement for the Russian micro circuit
04KN009 (1M6). Soon
followed a better,
version (140k) - the current version is documented on a dedicated page from
Some pages of the service manual of the Sharp MZ-3541, a Z-80 based
machine from Sharp's MZ-3500 series produced in the early 90ties - 2MB, 23.9.2005.
Upon request I put some
photos (8M3) on a seperate
page documenting
the internal cabling of the woderful PowerXplorer machines made by Parstec
from 1993 to 1995.
Parts from the MegaFrame parallel computer made by Parsytec
between 1989 and 1992 are still in use in my hardware projects.
Some of the PCBs (1989 series) have tantalum capacitors placed
in the
wrong orientation leading to strange phenomena.
On March 20 in 2006 there was an A-380 conducting flight tests over
Oberpfaffenhofen in Bayern which caused some irritation to the people
living there. Sorry, only low quality photographs - 146k.
One of the more recent electronics/vintage computing projects is the reverse-engineering of a military
computer. For a report, pictures and additional info, please see my
'Programmer Electronic
Control'-Page. There is a written report in the highly interesting vintage computing mailing
list (Report
3/2007) with some interesting discussion following.
February 2010 - still my favorite electronics picture:
On 16th of April 2010 I visited the ICT 1301 Resurrection Project and
had an extremely nice day meeting Rod Brown and Roger Holmes there:
2011: Ferranti made aritificial horizons (attitude indicator or "künstlicher Horizont"
- this type was used on the GR.1 version of the Harrier VSTOL aircraft) based on
mechanical gyroscopes during the 1960ties and 1970ties. Playing with one of these
complex and highly sophisticated instuments lead to a technical note in
German language:
6/2011: For those who want to have a closer look how to drive the FH7Z.8, I
prepared a small paper
on the gear box I build to control the instrument (including schematics,
2MB): One can externally engage
the roll torquer leading to pitch adjustment, slow/fast erect can be turned
on and off and the caging/flag mechanisms can be engaged via switches.
5/2014: On the first weekend of May on the Vintage Computer Festival
Europe (VCFe 15.0) I contributed an exhibition of two Rolms and the PEC and gave a talk on the
Elliott 900 series. The
(3M5) and the
(2M5) are available here in German language.
4/2015: Opened a ftp directory containing Solaris and Windows binaries
of some self compiled and/or modified code from the WEB. First files there
are the Solaris (tested under 2.6, 150k) and Windows (running on XP and
Win7, 1M1)
binaries for the Nova/PDP8 cross assembler from the Telegraphics WEB
10/2015: For years I am maintaining and very rarely using an old and
heavy A0 drum
plotter - it's a Calcomp 1038
with OPC. As there was discussion on this plotter on the cctech mailing
list, I put some
more detailed pictures
of its internals online. For those who have trouble configuring their
OPC906/907 controller, there is a document listing the
switch settings.
Since years I have got a Viasala SPT11A manual paper tape reader
which refused to talk to me via its serial port. After reverse
engineering its hardware I replaced the
firmware 2.02 with own,
new one
(To be compiled using sdcc for 8051, hex file
of V1.01 for 27C256 EPROM). This firmware dumps tapes at 9600,
8N1. Use at own risk - credits welcome.
populating a panel of the left cockpit panel from Tornado's front
panel with flight instruments, I came accross the very interesting ADI42-124
attitude indicator and published a
video on its internal
mechanics and this ADI is also quite easy to
This article is compiled by Erik Baigar, <erik@baigar.de>, 4/26/2014. Read
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